Monday, September 28, 2009

The Nigerian Youth and Politics

Prior to the Current situation of the Ekiti State Election Rerun, I don’t want to deliberate on the topic, because we have series of article written on it. But the issue is that, if it takes 2-3weeks to conduct an election in a state, how many years would it take for a country. I wonder what is wrong with our electoral system. But I believe the electioneering process in Nigeria is bereft of creativity. However, I still believe the change will start from us the youth involving in politics, maybe contesting at the Local Government level for a start. 
Recently I wrote on the topic “The Nigerian Youth and Their Reputation Abroad”, I was baffled to see, youth emailing me and commenting on the topic, some even went to the extent to say they are ready to take the challenge of leadership, while some say they were afraid due to the current situation of Election Rigging, that their effort would be in vain. While some say they lack finance, I believe what we need first, is innovation in the way elections are conducted in Nigeria and I don't believe money can hinder an honest person's way to power in Nigeria. If we can all agree to donate as low as 50 Naira each to a serious candidate, it will take him or her somewhere. Obama’s campaign started with people donating $5 to $20, to help. I mean the common man on the street.

To achieve the goal of Educating youth on the need of selfless service as a leader I believe we need to teach them, what politics is about, because some youth believe it’s a means of selfish service not selfless service, few months ago, as I was walking down, the streets of Fadeyi Lagos Nigeria. There I saw a poster of an old church member of mine. His father was the pastor of my parish then. I was amazed and gladden to see a youth standout, in the midst of electoral malpractice and contest for counsellorship position, not under the banner of a small part, but a very big and strong party, that I won’t mention here .I was very excited, not until few months later when I saw this same boy in an internet Cafe, when I went to check my emails and I told him how happy I was to see youths like him, involving themselves in politics against all odds. But I was wrong; he answered me first by saying “I lost the election”, and “Am Back in the street fully, me contesting in the first place was a means to an end”. I was shocked to see a future leader like this boy already planning to use politics as a means to an end, and not as a means of serving, leading and impacting change in the society. The question boils to; where is the true Nigerian spirit in this young lad? Whose view of politics is a means of looting from government coffers rather than serving that very day I was so disappointed. What is really killing us is that, everyone is out for themselves or their people. We do not believe in the Nigeria Dream or the Power of Our youth to bring about change. It’s about time all Nigerians over the age of eighteen take responsibility for the wrong and rights they choose.  
Even some of us that still keep the "green-white-green" flying sometimes wonder if we are doing the right thing. But does the government really know we are taking so much by keeping the flag flying? Are they really and genuinely concerned about solving some of the major problems like power supply? The truth is that we the youth are not doing enough to restructure our political process. If Adams Oshiomhole can fight for his stolen mandate in Edo State and recover it, there is hope for good and credible leadership in Nigeria. However, we need to work hard to enthrone the right leaders that will take us to the Promised Land. President Barack Obama has shown us the way by proving that change can come from unexpected places. 
As a Nigerian, I want you to ask yourself if you've done much to support honest leaders in your small sphere of influence. How many good leaders are you supporting in your community and how are you empowering the youth to get involve in Politics of Hope. But I still believe that until common folks on the streets and villages become emboldened to demand accountability from government officials, Nigeria will continue to grope in the dark.

I believe we can all turn things around in Nigeria as youth. Obama utilized Face book and Twitter [Two amazing social networking sites] to sign up about two million supporters. What are we doing with the internet political wise in Nigeria? With many youths embracing the internet in Nigeria, the World Wide Web can change the face of politics in Nigeria. How many of our local government candidates actually address voters neighbourhood by neighbourhood? How many of them walk into our churches, Mosques, community centres, open playing fields etc to talk to people in the area they want to govern. These are the points where, we the Nigerian youth should work on. We should start working from the grass root.
I noticed that most of the Nigerian youths are too afraid to step up to take back power, I mean too scared to Involve in Politics, since the future belongs to us. But we are willing to sit back and blame the Old Leaders for their own Negligence.
Finally I believe our graduates need to start vying for councillorship and Local Government Chairman Seats. That is where the real change will begin. Let us strive and get the Corrupt Officials out of those grass root offices first, by supporting young Politicians. I'm not into politics fully but I will gladly support any candidate who wants to carry out his campaign innovatively. If we the youth start to get involved in politics then the green pastures we are looking for in other countries would then be created in our country. We the youth need to bake our own cake and pastries and stop going after the Corrupt Old Politician as tugs and Touts. Remember it takes a courageous youth to stand-up and say I HAVE A DREAM and I Can SEE THE LIGHT! In the midst, of Dark Clouds, just as, Rev M.L.K stood up in the Dark ages of Racial Segregation in America. I believe in Change and the Power of Our Democracy as Youth.
 “God Bless Nigeria” If you are a youth and you have a vision or Plan for Nigeria, either politically or economically mail me on

Wisdom quotes by past and current leaders, legends and heroes.
1. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. 
Mohandas Gandhi

2. “A faith in simple dreams, an insistence on small miracles; … that we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, and that our votes will be counted -- at least most of the time”. Barrack Obama

3. “It always seems impossible until it’s done”. Nelson Mandela

4. “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity”. 
Martin Luther King, Jr.

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