Monday, September 28, 2009

Rebuilding Nigeria

 For the past two weeks, almost every Television Program you watch, you see a tag like this “Rebranding Nigeria”, even different writers write on the topic, well am happy for that move by the federal government, even to the extent the federal government is sending out text to all Nigerians, Incase you don’t know, the text goes thus “Nigeria Good People Great Nation”, you would have seen the sender FGN (Federal Government of Nigeria), almost all the people I asked if they got the text said yes but they have deleted it. These would happen because Nigerians have become so cynical about the capability of our Leaders but the question goes thus, is Nigeria branded? And what are we rebranding? As far as am concerned Nigeria need to be rebuilt not rebranded. Because we were never a brand and Nigeria has never been branded.

I remember the poll that placed Nigerians as the happiest people on the earth? Some think this is a good thing. It isn't as the popular saying goes by Fela Anikulapo Kuti “Suffering and smiling“, you might even think it implies resilience. I think it points to our laziness and careless attitude. Rather than change things, many Nigerians are content to sit by and look, hoping somebody will risk his life to make things better while the rest of us enjoy. 
  How did the leaders end up with the personality traits and the lack of skills that render them unfit to change the way things are? Well thanks to “Prof Dora Akinyuli” the minister of Information who noticed it and she is trying to work things out.

The main point of this article is how do we build Nigeria? I believe corruption is all over the world. Talk about poor government policies, it’s everywhere in the world. But the only thing all countries don't have in common is the citizens and the attitude of citizens goes a long way in building a great nation. Government doesn't build good roads and give stable power supply etc, yes I agree. But how many Nigerians pay their taxes. Except you are working for a big firm or a bank and you can't hide, most Nigerians scam their government on a regular basis, and I believe its even the cause of the fall of Naira and our economical problem. I'm not saying that if they paid their taxes then the taxes with be well spent on public utilities by the government. But I am saying that it takes two to tango. So also I notice Nigerians are able to comport themselves once they get to the west. They stop Urinating on the streets, they stop throwing thrash on the streets, and many even stop beating traffic rules. How come we are able to be civilized outside and follow the Laws of other countries, yet we do not abide by ours. If we really want to talk about rebuilding Nigeria, all Nigerian citizens need to answer these questions, to know if you are in the negative side or positive side, if your answer is yes to any of these question I would list, then you are on the negative side; How many of you have driven up to a petrol station, found a queue there and actually stayed on the line and patiently waited for your turn, how many of you drive against traffic (One way)? Just so that you can beat the hold up in front, how many of you have deliberately broken the law? Just because you know that you can pay your way out of any problem that might arise, how many Nigerian Students can boldly stand and say that he or she has never cheated in any examination before in his or her life time? I'm talking from Common entrance to SSCE to JAMB to even the University level, how many Nigerians would return a phone or wallet found on the street? How many times have you thrown out the wrapper of biscuit or empty sachet of water from a moving vehicle?? How many of you actually come out of your houses to observe the state environmental sanitation?? How many of you would use a pedestrian crossing rather run across the express way?? How many Nigerian drivers actually have a valid drivers licence?? I did not say qualified to drive. That’s another topic on its own. well I can ask a million questions but I believe these few question matters as the other would have been.

For the dream of rebuilding Nigeria to be realised I believe we the youth must add our own quota, Looking at a soccer team for an example, in order for the team to accomplish its goal, all the players must be willing to contribute, work together and sacrifice personal agendas but the team will usually disarray as soon as the players start focusing on what they can get from the team instead of doing what it takes to get the objective accomplished together.
Imagine, two players playing for endorsement, four(4) playing to show up their skill to other teams’ scouts, four(4) playing just for the playing sake and only two(2) playing to win the championship for the team. The truth is Team like this will never be successful no matter how good one of the player his. As a popular proverb goes “A tree can’t make a forest”.
  Finally we all know that faith without work is dead, a faith in a better Nigeria or rebuilt Nigeria without the work towards it, would be futile. Looking at the people of Ghana who suffered in the 80’s and the people of Ghana of the present day, did the people change or did the government change? I believe the people changed their attitudes, which rise to a change in government.
 Change must start from we the youth, because we are the leaders of tomorrow. Make a conscious effort towards change today and watch Nigeria transform. “God Bless Nigeria”

Wisdom quotes by past and current leaders, legends and heroes.
1. “The average Nigerian person has come to reconcile himself with the fact that his or her social progress remain essentially in his or her hands in collaboration with other fellow Nigerians and not merely relying on what government alone could provide for him or her”. -- Ibrahim Babangida
2. “Our respect for Law and order must change” – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 
3. “No one will build Nigeria for us, Nigeria will be built by Nigerians” – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 

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